Oklahoma State University

Recipe for Switchgrass Establishment

Recipe for Switchgrass Establishment

General Recipe for Switchgrass Establishment - Summary

1. Clean-till in fall before spring planting.
2. Apply lime, P, and K based on soil test.
3. Clean-till in late winter and roller pack to fi rm the seedbed.
4. Wait for rainfall to germinate annual weeds.
5. Apply glyphosate within three days of planting to control weeds.
6. Without additional tillage, plant switchgrass ¼ to ½ inch deep in April.
7. Evaluate establishment two to three weeks post planting.
8. Apply labeled herbicides based on weed population or mow broadleaf weeds.
9. Burn stands the following spring.
10. Evaluate establishment.
11. Fertilize with 50 pounds N per acre at spring green up.



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